30 June 09:00 to 2 July 13:00, Saïd Business School, Oxford OX1 1HP
Academics are invited to submit a paper for the nineteenth annual symposium of the Oxford University Centre for Business Taxation. The symposium will take place in person, at Saïd Business School in Oxford, from 09:00 on Monday 30 June to 13:00 on Wednesday 2 July, 2025.
As ever, we welcome research on any topics related to business taxation in its broadest sense, including papers from economics, law and other disciplines, as well as interdisciplinary contributions.
Submissions can either be completed but unpublished papers, or extended abstracts of work in progress (preferably at least two pages) which must be completed in time for the conference. The deadline for submissions is Sunday 2 March 2025 and submissions should be made using the electronic form below.
Papers will be selected, and invitations extended in by the end of March.
The programme will follow the format of previous years: in addition to presentations and discussions of papers, there will be time for informal interaction and private work, together with social events each evening.
Accommodation will be organised for presenters and discussants, and the costs of accommodation, meals and social events will be met by the Centre. We have limited funds to reimburse travel costs, and we would like to target our support to participants who are unlikely to be able to attend without such help. If you need financial assistance with travel costs, then please inform us at the time of submitting your paper/abstract, by completing the ‘additional information’ section of the form.
Please note, we may not be able to consider requests for financial assistance if they are not made at the time of your paper/abstract’s submission. Please also inform us at the time of your paper submission if you are unable to attend any part of the three days of the symposium, as doing so later on causes significant scheduling difficulties.
The symposium convenor is John Vella. If you have any questions about the academic content of the symposium, please contact John Vella.