
Policy Articles

Michael P. Devereux and Martin Simmler (2021), Who Will Pay Amount A?EconPol Policy Brief, 3 July 2021.

Michael P. Devereux, Martin Simmler, John Vella and Heydon Wardell‐Burrus (2021), What Is the Substance‐Based Carve‐Out under Pillar 2? And How Will It Affect Tax Competition?EconPol Policy Brief, 23 November 2021.

Journal Articles

Read the latest article by Richard Collier, Michael P. Devereux and John Vella, Comparing Proposals to Tax Some Profit in the Market Country, which investigates the Pillar 1 proposal alongside two alternatives: the Article 12B recently adopted by the UN; and the Residual Profit Allocation by Income (RPAI) proposal, proposed by Oxford International Tax Group.

The Centre's research team has also written a number of academic papers in response to the COVID-19 Pandemic:

Richard Collier, Ian F. Dykes, OECD/International - On the Apparent Widespread Misapplication of the OECD Transfer Pricing GuidelinesBulletin for International Taxation, 2022 (Volume 76), No.1

Richard Collier, Joseph L. Andrus, Transfer Pricing and the Arm’s-Length Principle After the Pillars, Tax Notes International31 Jan 2022

Working Papers

These are produced by researchers working within the Centre or collaborations with researchers or papers that are presented at our annual academic symposium. 

View the working papers


Taxing Profit in a Global Economy front cover

Taxing Profit in a Global Economy

A Report of the Oxford International Tax Group

Michael P. Devereux, Alan J. Auerbach, Michael Keen, Paul Oosterhuis, Wolfgang Schön, and John Vella

This book undertakes a fundamental review of the existing international system of taxing business profit. It steps back from the current political debates on how to combat profit shifting and how taxing rights over the profits of the digitalized economy should be allocated. 

Find out more and download the book for free


Banking on Failure: Cum-Ex and Why and How Banks Game the System

Richard S. Collier

Banks seem all too often involved in cases of misconduct, particularly involving the exploitation of tax systems. Banking on Failure explains why and how banks "game the system", accounting for these misconduct cases and analysing the wider implications for financial markets and tax systems.

Find out more

banking on failure book cover


The OECD Global Anti-Base Erosion Proposal

globe report front cover

The OECD’s Global Anti-Base Erosion (GloBE) proposal was formally introduced in January 2019 and the most recent consultation document was published in November 2019. Despite being introduced as part of the debate about reforming taxes in the context of the digitalisation of the economy, the GloBE proposal is more general.

This report, written by Centre for Business Taxation Director Michael Devereux and associates, discusses a number of design options that are being considered for each of element of the proposal.

View the report


CBT Tax Dataset

  • Read the CBT Tax Database abstract
  • View the full dataset