OMG Transatlantic Tax Talks: Pierce O’Reilly and Ana Cinta Gonzalez Cabral



John Vella (Oxford)
Lilian Faulhaber (Georgetown)
Michelle Hanlon (MIT)
Jim Hines (Michigan)
Wolfgang Schön (Max Planck)

What is OMG?

On behalf of the Oxford University Centre for Business Taxation, University of Michigan, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Max Planck Institute for Tax Law and Public Finance, and Georgetown University Law Center, we are excited to announce a seminar on Tuesday February 27, 2024, at 5.00pm UK time, 6.00 pm Central European time and 12.00 New York time.

The speakers will be Pierce O’Reilly and Ana Cinta Gonzalez Cabral, both from the OECD, and they will be presenting their recent paper: The Global Minimum Tax and the taxation of MNE profit

This speaker series - which began in 2021 - is interdisciplinary, with experts in taxation from law, economics, and accounting presenting their work. OMG is hosted on Zoom and is free to attend.



The paper assesses the impact of the global minimum tax (GMT) on the taxation of multinational enterprises (MNEs), based on a comprehensive dataset capturing the global activities of large MNEs. It has four key findings. First, the GMT substantially reduces the incentives to shift profits. Second, the GMT is estimated to very substantially reduce low-taxed profit worldwide through lower profit shifting and top-up taxation. Third, the GMT is estimated to increase CIT revenues. Finally, the GMT is estimated to reduce tax rate differentials across jurisdictions with potential impacts on the allocation of investment and MNE activity.